Israel’s Story in Maps began as a project commissioned by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its goal was, and is, to highlight key historical moments in the Land of Israel to show the enduring and unbroken connection of the Jewish People to its country over 3000 years. That story culminates in our time, in the resurrection of Israel’s independence after two millennia of exile and continuing in its development over 75 years, through wars and terrorists campaigns, always surviving and, slowly but surely, making peace with its neighbors even as it returns to to ancient birthright.
The current collection, periodically updated, consists of 21 maps from the Kingdoms of David and Solomon through the Kingdom of Herod a millennium later and through till the 20th and now 21st centuries. Of particular interest is the historical background of Israel’s borders, how they were established, before the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, and how they changed in the ensuing years of wars and, eventually, peace with almost all of our neighbors.
We are proud to produce clean, clear maps that give what we consider a balanced and historically accurate portrayal of events. It is true that the maps take as a given the right of the Jewish People to have a homeland in the Land which formed its history. The return of the Jews to their land is one of the great stories, and miracles, of our time.
Those who would deny the Jewish people their homeland will have their own maps and stories. We understand that they have a very different narrative, and we are not indifferent to their plight. But as long as they fail to recognize our primacy and legitimacy in this land, they will continue to “never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity” for true peace.
My media company carried out its mission faithfully and we also retained the publishing rights for these maps, exclusive but for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, which reserves the right to use these maps for itself, its consulates and embassies.
If you, your organization, or your publication would like to use any of these maps, please contact me for permission.